Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Maker Faire 2014

This years Maker Faire was totally awesome.  If you have no idea what the fair is about here is a little recap on things you should know before going.

1.  Buy your tickets in advance.  They are not cheap.  A one day pass at the door is $40/adult and $25/child.  Keep your eyes open for a Groupon deal.

2.  Parking is insane.  If you can get there any other way besides a car, it is a must.  The faire takes up a good portion of the parking lot, which leaves little room for it's guests.  We arrived exactly at 10am and it took us an hour to find parking!

3.  The Maker Faire is truly about making.  If you are interested in science, art, technology, etc.  then this is definitely the place for you and your kids.  Every booth is hands on.  This year we made rocket ships and got to launch them into the sky, make wooden cars we can race against other designers, rip apart old computers to see what they are made of and so much more.  The only issue I had was that my kids were five years and under, so it was quite difficult to make most of the things I just mentioned.  I would highly recommend this fair for kids 6 and up.  They would love it and can do most of the projects on their own.

4.  The food.  It was your typical fair food, nothing like Off the Grid (spoiled).  I would just brown bag it if you can.

5.  The must see spot is the Dark Room.  It's basically a dark room with fun visuals.  They had a light forrest, floating jelly fish and other light exhibits.  Another must see spot is the San Francisco Bazzar tent where you will find our friends like Le Petit Elefant, Poppyhearts and Tofufu selling all their handmade goodies.

6.  Last but not least, before you go check the program and schedules.  This will tell you who the guest speakers will be and events going on throughout the two days.  Always plan ahead!

The Map!

Picture's taken by a 5 year old.  Can you tell?

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